May 07, 2014
@portapocketgal @CBSDFW @ThatSportsGirl Girl, this is brilliant!!!!!
@portapocketgal this is exactly what I've been needing for YEARS.
Buying this asap.
@portapocketgal @JulieAnnSilver Oh my goodness! I LOVE what you are doing!
I am going to check out all your stuff. This is awesome!!
@portapocketgal ♥♥I LOVE THAT !! #LifeSaver
-- @ITSRAJ21
@portapocketgal OK Thanks much. That's an interesting little way to stash your personal items. Nice.
-- @joystrib
@portapocketgal Sooo Glad you showed up tonight! I need a PortaPocket for my traveling -
Perfect solution!! On your site buying one now!!!
@portapocketgal I am back and the #portapockets worked great!
I am still using them!! Thanks so much for a great product!
–- @carece
Top Ten Pickpocket Destinations
where PortaPocket is just essential!
–- @Kaliczynski
Wearing my PortaPockets with my sexy dress. No bag, baby!! Woot!
Ping @PortaPocketGal
–- @ferrous
This is cool!! "@mothers_wisdom i don't wear cell near chest;
better on leg much more versatile :)"
-- @mothers_wisdom
@PortaPocketGal OK that is genius!
–- @_kimrandall
@PortaPocketGal Hello Angel!! Need to tell you THANK YOU so much!!
PortaPockets rocked NY!! TY 4 t/Fab service!! I & your AWSM product!
-– @YRJewelryGal
@TraveliciousDee Dee I'm loving my PortaPockets! TYSM.
You are super sweet for thinking of me.
And great to see you again :)
-– @tracycityline
Someone sent me the portable purse you could wear on your thigh.
Get back to me ASAP. Need to talk with you
–- @SherriEShepherd
@PortaPocketGal I saw Sherri Shepherd tweet you re: getting a PortaPocket.
I'm sending good energy your way.
–- @SportsandBoobs
@PortaPocketGal I love my portapocket .. slips off quickly b4 I go through the metal detector ... hehehe
-- @DaveMalby
@TankGirl76 highly recommend a portapocket from @PortaPocketGal.
Speedy service too! :)
–- @scentifi
@PortaPocketGal Hi so I just got my PortaPocket today!
I thnk that's the fastest US mail I've ever gotten! Thank you :)
-- @shissou
@PortaPocketGal merry christmas. Wearing my portapocket to church so i dont
have to carry a purse. Good plan.
Stop being a target for #thieves at the gym! Check out@PortaPocketGal
#product! Easy sale for this #GymBoundMama!
-- @RaisingReagan
Want a hands-free alternative to the .@NFL #clearbagpolicy? Check out this
cool invention called PortaPocket! via .@portapocketgal
-- @TheStyleRef
Great idea, @PortaPocketGal! Love my @scottevest @carogonza. Yes, wear our
valuables and watch our teams in a safe environment #NFLAllClear
-- @gracenote
I'll never put my phone in my bra again! Thanks so much @PortaPocketGal!
It's perfection!
-- @AmericasBarbie
Check out this solution to keeping your "personables" personal during #NFL
games @PortaPocketGal
-- @JerseyGirlSport
@PortaPocketGal good to know. Thank you. I am excited for Halloween now.
:) no worries about a lost phone.
-- @labspaz
@PortaPocketGal omg that's so smart!!
-- @sej060401
It's graduation time!
Who is taking that big step in your family this year? What an exciting time for the newly minted to go forth and explore our world. Not an easy time out there, but sometimes you just have to jump into the fray.
I know it can be scary and daunting. So many kids have no idea what they're doing, or how they'll fit in. I know I felt like that when I was graduating from University of Michigan (all those years ago!), and I'm sure it's even harder these days, given the state of the world. Despite the "improving" economy, plenty of people are still out of work and wondering how they'll ever get by. All I know is that attitude can make a difference, and a can-do one will serve you well, even in what seems like your darkest days.

Consider life an adventure! Every experience you have shapes you into the person you are today, and who you will become tomorrow. It is a cumulative effect. Nothing that you go through is a loss. Nothing is a waste of time. The things that turn out badly are learning experiences, and the things that bring you joy are your treasured memories, that are with you, always.
Savor today, look forward to tomorrow and realize that nobody has this thing called LIFE all figured out. We all just do the best we can, and go on. And try to make our moments count.
Blessings to you. All the best. Go with joy and commitment.
And go be the best YOU you can be.
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