You've probably heard by now that there are new rules on what fans can now acceptably carry into stadiums. After the Boston Marathon bombing, pro sports organizations have had their hand forced to make changes in order to improve safety of the situation...or at least make an effort to. And although it really may be just that, it can come off as rather anti-women with these restrictions on purses.
Here's info on the whole enchilada:
SO are you thinking you can't carry what you need now?
No worries... PortaPocket to the rescue! Although women may be griping about having to carry their unmentionables in those NFL approved clear bags, you really don't have to. Just think of it like you're going on vacation to an unknown...and maybe not the safest....area. "Concealed carry" is the key. And you'll never be forced to expose your time-of-month things, again ;)
Who wasn't been there before? it's that time of the month and you don't want to broadcast that fact that you're on your period to the world, let alone that cute guy you've been noticing at the gym. Now... finally. There's a solution! Your little secret agent is here...
No more sticking a tampon in your bra or up your sleeve… or having to pretend nothing’s in your hand while you make a mad dash for the restroom. Us gals have constantly needed to get “creative” every month when dealing with that human condition. Why can’t clothing designers recognize the need for women’s clothes to have pockets? And even when they DO include pockets in garments, why can’t they design them so they actually WORK?
Fortunately there are new ways to manage this common conundrum. Easily and comfortably. No sewing needed. This handy little accessory will help you help yourself. And it’s so lightweight, you’ll almost forget it’s there. Simply wrap the band around where you like, and you’re good to go. Works discreetly around your thigh, calf, ankle, arm or waist/ hip, and under your outfit so noone will even know.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Why not simply be prepared?
Confidence is beautiful!
With apple's new lineup of iPhones now out, and Samsung's Galaxy Note 4 here...people are trying to figure out how they're going to carry the larger devices around with them. Clothing pockets are often ill designed to handle the size of these smartphones, and even if you're able to (barely) squeak one in there, no doubt it's ready to fall out, or you're trying to sit or bend there (hmmm...comfy yet?) No problem. We can help.
Our XL PortaPocket pocket is sized to be able to handle either iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, the 6 even with a case on it first, and the 6 Plus, perhaps also with a sleeve. Or the Galaxy Note 4, too. And of course this means you can WEAR your phone, as well. No theft, loss, bending damage or droppage. yay! Here's a photo showing this pocket size along with a Galaxy Note, and one with the iPhone 6:
Video demo showing how iPhone6Plus fits in the XL pocket:
As soon as the 6Plus is more readily available, we'll see what other possibilities there are with sizing (phone+case). Stay tuned for more info... and photos... as we have them. But either way... freedom is YOURS!
*Recommended kits for carrying iPhone6/6Plus or Galaxy Note, try our Combo Kit or our Waist Belt with Pocket Kit (choose an XL pocket)...examples of how to wear it (on these very small gals ;), below:
I love these types of pants. I wear them all the time. But if you're like me, you probably noticed the pockets in them are so tiny you might be able to get a tissue in there. or maybe an ID, or a single flat key. But that's about it.
And as for your phone? Not a chance.
not even close.
The thing is...many of us like to listen to our tunes while we work out. And that means keeping our phones handy. Sure, there are all kinds of armbands & 'fitness belts' out there, but armbands often don't adjust well for smaller linbs, have a tendency to slip down & can dig into your skin, and fitness belts can only be worn one way. Truthfully many of there are not all that comfy while you're working out, and aren't effective for many other uses. Which brings us back to why we need pockets for our yoga pants.
Try as sportswear manufacturers might, there just isn't a way to make an attractive pair of body-conscious yoga pants that can effectively hold a phone. Ever (lol!). So they should stop trying. After all, when you're working out at the gym and on all kinds of different equipment, your body is moving in all kinds of ways. Which means now you're sitting on whatever is in your fixed-size, fixed-position pocket in your clothes... or you're trying to bend there. Comfy yet? Plus, if you're actually trying to use that pocket in your pants, now it's bulging out with the phone jammed in there (not to so sexy for your silhouette), and ruining the line of your look. All in all, it's nothing but a problem.
So what are the alternatives? Before we even think of calling that bra into duty...let's just not given their phone-killing sweat and those no-good emissions by your chest. Sure, some women resort to the waistband trick, but sweat continues to be an issue there, and unsecured devices fall down the leg. File that under 'whoops!'
The good news is.... you're in the right place for solutions to this problem, and on your way to FREEDOM! The secret is out... PortaPocket is IN!
Try this (or this) and you will enjoy confidence... and peace of mind.
Your yoga pants will thank you.
I think we all feel that there are never enough pockets in the outfits we are wearing, on occasion. But are pockets in our garments really going to be the solution to the problems we're having?
I was wearing pants with pockets that day my spare tampon decided to take a little unannounced stROLL on the free weights room floor at the gym. *whoops!* So much for that... ;/ And have you seen those gym shorts and yoga pants with the zippered pocket on the back side? Doesn't seem to make much sense if you plan to do sit ups, or even sit down, at all...!
Away from the gym thing...while out working one day, I was wearing a Scottevest vest with a whole lot of pockets. I thought it was great until I literally lost my sunglasses in it. And I couldn't remember which pocket my glasses were in for the life of me. Sometimes more isn't more. And sometimes less isn't less.
Last weekend it was time for our annual trek up to Wisconsin and the Bristol Renaissance Faire. Always a treat! We've been going for years now, and this time we took some friends with us so it was double the fun :)
I always have a good time watching how the women in costume get "true to the age" by stuffing their money in their cleavage, which inevitably leads to "the conversation!"
This year Angelina wore her belly dancer outfit she got when we went there last year, and had her dragonfly PortaPocket on her leg underneath so she could have money handy when she wanted to add to her fairy collection :) Sweet! Such a proud moment when your kid finally "gets" why you do what you do...
Of course, what do cell phones have in common with medieval times? Not much but you know we all need our cameras (and out lifelines) with us, right? So, inevitably, you'll also see a little bit of things like this:
Where the pockets aren't big enough, but phones get shoved in them anyway (whether they work or not...) really can't be all that comfortable, and what about when you sit down? hmmm.....maybe next time for those moms...
Anywho...what about you? have you ever been to a Renaissance faire?
What do you wear when you go?
I guess I should know a little bit more about what is going on here (considering it's been in the news everyday), but honestly I really haven't been paying much attention. One thing I do know is there's a big viewing party in Chicago scheduled for tomorrow and I thought of going down there (wearing my leg, 'natch) for the fun of it, but the wee one wants to go swimming, so...
family first!
I hope those who have ventured to Rio are enjoying the festivities and the electric atmosphere...and finding Brazil a welcome host. One day I'll get down there, too....
PortaPocket riding shotgun ;)
It's Father's Day and I am grateful. Grateful to still have my dad to this day. He who worked so hard for our family when we were small. And spent much time doing so many things so we could have a decent life.
And to all those other fabulous fathers out there who taught their children so much, starting so young. For those who worked so hard to give their kids the things they wished for, even if those things really weren't all that important in the grand scheme. Child-like wishes can be dreams realized. Even if just for a moment...
Savor the time you share with your father. It is precious. It is a gift.
It's the milestone day and you want to catch those important moments.
Why not have a way to keep your smartphone handy to capture all those shots?
Graduation gowns are notoriously pocket-free and so are many of those outfits
you might want to wear for that Big Day...
Wear PortaPocket under your gown and you're good to go! Keeps your ID, cash, cards,
keys and girly stuff (++) handy, without having to babysit that bag. Plus, there's no need
to micromanage a friend to carry what you need. :))
Larger smartphones fit in a XL PortaPocket pocket which can work over your graduation dress
(and under your grad gown) by lacing it onto a belt or scarf of your choice, and wearing it
as a complement to your outfit. Otherwise, smaller cells can be worn on your leg under
your outfit with ease.
Congrats on your degree!
Now have a degree of peace, knowing where your important things are, too.
Help yourself ;)
It's graduation time!
Who is taking that big step in your family this year? What an exciting time for the newly minted to go forth and explore our world. Not an easy time out there, but sometimes you just have to jump into the fray.
I know it can be scary and daunting. So many kids have no idea what they're doing, or how they'll fit in. I know I felt like that when I was graduating from University of Michigan (all those years ago!), and I'm sure it's even harder these days, given the state of the world. Despite the "improving" economy, plenty of people are still out of work and wondering how they'll ever get by. All I know is that attitude can make a difference, and a can-do one will serve you well, even in what seems like your darkest days.
Consider life an adventure! Every experience you have shapes you into the person you are today, and who you will become tomorrow. It is a cumulative effect. Nothing that you go through is a loss. Nothing is a waste of time. The things that turn out badly are learning experiences, and the things that bring you joy are your treasured memories, that are with you, always.
Savor today, look forward to tomorrow and realize that nobody has this thing called LIFE all figured out. We all just do the best we can, and go on. And try to make our moments count.
Blessings to you. All the best. Go with joy and commitment.
And go be the best YOU you can be.