January 21, 2015


Welcome to the Party! (part 2)

Let the fun continue! On our last post we'd discussed other products that are like PortaPocket in that they help people hands-free carry things, but may not be as beneficial since they encourage users to keep cell phones or other essentials near (or on top of) the chest area.

Seeing that it's almost Super Bowl time, let's now look at products with which people can hands free carry things into stadiums. 

Maybe you've heard of Scottevest... it's an interesting line of clothes that have a multitude of pockets which is definitely of use to get past the NFL Bag Ban thing.  I even have some of their line myself and do indeed like much of it.  But sometimes too much is too much. Good things are good to a point, but then they can become overkill. For instance, I wore my SeV vest to a Bears game last year, and literally lost my sunglasses in the garment. Sure you can blame it on user error, but it's just easier if you have a way to know where your stuff is without checking 20+ places to figure it out. At least that's just me ;)


Another thing to be mindful about SeV clothing is if you load up your vest or jacket with your valuables (with everything in its place which is good!) but then you get hot so you want to take off your jacket or vest ...and now you have put your things down over ...there (which is bad). One way to get around that is to use PortaPocket in concert with Scottevest, as THAT way you have all your bases covered.  

What do you think?
Are too many pockets GOOD? ...or not so good?

Stay tuned to this space as we continue the convo with products that can be used for running or exercise...



January 07, 2015


Welcome to the Party...! (part 1)

Ah, yes..... time flies when you're having fun!  We've been in this space for years, and the more we go along, the more we see other products introduced into our category...it's a veritable cornucopia, but we're actually glad to see it. Competition is actually good as it just proves the need for what we do.  After all...who doesn't have something small and important to carry, right?!

While we're on the subject, we might as well share a few things you might see out there, and how they differ from PortaPocket...

First up, let's talk about those who have affinity to stash that phone (etc) in their bra. Not sure why people would want to get their stuff so sweaty, but if they want, they can find a host of companies out there touting this very thing. Of course, all of this stems from the thought that often putting a cell phone on your chest area is a good idea. ;/ Hmmmmm....well... the obvious problem with this is twofold...

                    + !

1. sweat can kill your cell
2. health concerns

As far as #2... while it's true nobody can yet realistically claim with certainty that cell phones stored there cause breast cancer (as technology's too new to have a history...) why would you even risk it? Especially as there are viable, convenient options to allow you to hands-free carry things without relying on that bra, why deliberately put a cell phone and its emissions on top of your heart+chest?

There are plenty of articles on the matter...here's one example. Here's also a segment 'Keep your cellphone out of your bra' from Dr Oz, including testimonial from a 21 yr old cancer victim. And yet more evidence.

Fortunately, with PortaPocket, you'll have much more choice in where you wear what you need...without relegating you to use that bra to do the job at all, thankfully! Nevermore will your money get moist, or your skin get indentations from your keys, please ;) Plus, we can suit both gals and guys, too.

Stop on by, and we'll continue with part 2.  
So how about you?
Have you ever stashed your cell in your bra?
Why or why not?



December 22, 2014


All Mariah wants for Christmas....

is probably a mic pack holder that works...
Yes, another 'wardrobe malfunction' has hit a songstress...
right in the middle of a performance.

I think you know where she can find her Hero... right HERE :)
Another thing PortaPocket is excellent for: 
wayward wireless mike packs.






December 08, 2014


Hey James Bond -- Strap it ON!

The 24th episode in our favorite spy saga is coming in '15. So what better way to honor 007 than to just keep every little gadget and gizmo you need hidden somewhere on your body. That'd be a SPECTRE, no doubt ;) ...well, of course people won't necessarily be able to SEE your stuff (unless they have x-ray vision), but you get the point ;)

Ahhh...James Bond.  I've loved and appreciated you for years.  Ever since I was a child, my siblings and I would always get excited when you had a new movie come out. And even though we were too young to "get" the sexy euphemisms (lol), now I just think the screenwriters were simply trying to entertain themselves ;)  




Speaking of entertainment... what do you think of this? (maybe Daniel Craig will ask his costume department to replicate that outfit... can't go wrong when you have a leg up on things ;))

Are you a James Bond fan?
If so, which was your favorite?
(whether the actor who played 007... or the movie title, itself).
Do share!





November 20, 2014


Planning to brave Black Friday?

For those who have much more tolerance than I ever would, I say go for it girlfriends (or guys, too). Just make sure to have PortaPocket riding shotgun :)

Why risk carting a purse around within the sea of shoppers, given those opportunists in our midst. Schemers are unfortunately part of the equation, and they're out there waiting to take you (well, at least your stuff) for a ride. Don't let them. You already know never to leave your bag unattended, even for a microsecond. But here's something else you may not know...

A couple years ago, I spoke with an experienced ER nurse (with 25+ yrs in the field) who was buying some PortaPocket kits for her family. She shared something interesting I'll never forget: sometimes wearing a purse in a cross body fashion ends up being even MORE dangerous since when a thief is determined to get your stuff, that person will do WHATEVER it takes to get that bag. And that often can mean throwing you down on the ground to get to it, which leads to broken clavicles and shoulders ...things she'd seen time and again while working her job in the hospital.

Better to simply avoid the purse problem in the first place, and keep your valuables safe in a spot they'll never think of. Outsmart those bad boys. And have a happier holiday.

What about you?
Do you plan to shop during the Friday frenzy,
or are you going all on line this time? 






November 03, 2014


PortaPocket...Rescue Me!

Did you just drop your cell in the toilet? Or did it fly off that roller coaster? Maybe it broke from sweat since you stashed it in your boot or your bra. How about your purse...was it ever stolen... or your wallet pickpocketed? If you have medical needs...do you ever feel embarrassed about wearing that insulin pump with your prom dress? Or carrying that EpiPen to the festival? 


There are so many different reasons why people seek us out, and we are always grateful for their interest and appreciation. We just wish it wouldn't have to be, so often, the result of them having gone through bad experiences. 

While we wish everyone in the world was kind and decent, there are opportunists who prey on others. We can't make them disappear, but we CAN improve upon the risk of our becoming a victim by simply thinking ahead. Of course, simple things are often anything but, and many people don't think this way until it's too late. Yet it's the bad experiences that prompt ACTION.

Which is why we'd like to pay it forward. 

Today we're introducing PortaPocket...Rescue Me! It's an on-going program we'll be running several times a year to offer help to those who've "been there." Simply nominate yourself or a deserving someone by telling us about what happened on our facebook page along with #PortaPocket #RescueMe (please share that post to your own page, too), and/or tweet:

I nominate ____ for a 
#PortaPocket #RescueMe (add info here)

Photos will help, too.  We'll choose the most compelling story and gift that nominee (and you, for sharing him/her) a 2pc PortaPocket kit of their/your choice! Entries now being taken through Thanksgiving Day, Nov 27, 2014 at  5pm CST

here's an example facebook post (a real situation that we'd been called on before):
Dream vacation became nightmare ... sweat bled through nylon neck safe & ruined passport photo... stuck in China 3 days past tour end date trying to resolve...wouldn't let me & our 30 person group leave country! #PortaPocket #RescueMe
and a example tweet: 
I nominate @YatPundit for a #PortaPocket #RescueMe ...dropped his cell phone off mountain in Himalayas last week

We look forward to your contributions 
...and being of service!  


October 27, 2014

1 Comment

Jared Leto & Matthew McConaughey: Fanny Pack Lovers

Ah yes.... what's old is new again, including that ole mainstay from the 80's. Have you seen these A listers rocking the fanny pack lately? Boldly. Proudly. With no shame. I say power to them! Who says function can't be fashionable, and these two stud muffins certainly have their share of appeal, no matter WHAT they've wearing ;)  Well...


how about you? Are your sporting one of these vintage gems? We totally get it...they're uber handy and let you walk around without having to drag a bag. But, hmmm... why not move on over to the 21st century, sweethearts, and rock something that's a little more au courant?  PortaPocket will give you a more versatile way to keep your goodies where they're good, and the option to swap out pocket styles to suit your mood.

That's it. Do you hear that, Jared and Matthew?
We've got some little beauties here with your names all over 'em.

Coming at ya!


Photo Credits: Splash News; Getty Images 





October 20, 2014


For the love of SPANX...what kind of message are we sending to society?

Living in this day and age, one cannot deny the success and influence of one of the most powerful and (financially) successful entrepreneurs of our time, Sara Blakely. The creator of SPANX has been lauded by Oprah, praised by the (then) First Lady, and given millions of women around the world a reason to feel more comfortable in their own skin. All of these are good things.  And yet... 

The irony is...if you really think about it... one main premise of SPANX is that it's built around the mindset that women should look a certain way to be attractive and acknowledged. While I have no problem if people want to wear these shapers if they choose to and if it makes them feel better about themselves, great! ...but should people feel any less worthy if they choose not to? 

Empowering women (and men) is good. But should we be perpetuating the skewed societal view that women are objects and how they look is of utmost importance? It's not Sara's fault that our society values physical beauty over intangible qualities, but must we keep buying into the notion that that is our best asset?  

How about you?
What do you think? 


Photo Credit:  Compfight.com (SPANX) 

October 14, 2014


Scary isn't it?

Now that Halloween is just around the corner, the thought of how you're going to carry your cell phone, ID and keys+ to the party may be inciting some frightening ideas...

hmm.... let's see...
stick it in the ole underwear? 
how about that waistband trick?
inside the boot?  ...or in the bra?

no. no. no and no
Don't let those things happen to you...
PortaPocket to the rescue! 


Here's your costume fashion fix.
Help yourself. ;)



October 07, 2014


So... did you think you saw us on Shark Tank...?

Like so many others, we love the show. And watch it often. But when people ask us, "weren't you on that show...?" well... the answer is... that wasn't us. It was another company that overlaps a bit into the space of where we are...but not really.

And it's a company which pretty much has ceased business at this point. http://sharktanksuccess.blogspot.com/2012/12/partie-poche.html 

We'd actually been called by producers for the show, and they liked PortaPocket a lot. So they asked us to apply, and then...

they said no.

And the next season, we tried out again.

And then...

they took on the other company.

And then we tried a third time and ...

no dice either.

All we got that last time was one of the ABC staff members running over to take a picture of THE LEG,

and of course a bunch of smiles / stares...

but that was it. ;/


Ah, well....what can you do. We're just going to keep going...
making solutions to the lack-of-usable-pockets-in-our-clothes problem,
and will continue to be here to help you...

help YOURSELF! ;)