if you exercise...

Why get your phone stolen or broken?

...or sweat all over it, sit on it, or infest it with COVID or MRSA germs while it's left lying around? 

BEFORE:                                                                                                                                                                                         AFTER:


phone stuffed in waistband or bra is uncomfy and can get in way ...                                                             now you can keep it ON your body, yet moveable! 

FOR SOLUTIONS, TRY: PortaPocket Combo Kit or PortaPocket Waist Belt & Pocket Kit for your phone/ipod 


WEAR what you need to avoid risk...
Theft happens. Lockers & cars are broken into. Often.
Keep your valuables & things you need where you always know where they are.

BEFORE:                                                                                                                                                                 AFTER:


 purse on floor; wallet on pile of clothes, waiting for a problem...                                     now your things are never unattended!

FOR SOLUTIONS, TRY: PortaPocket Essentials Kit or PortaPocket Essentials+ Kit for your ID, cash & cards

Gym shorts & yoga pants often have inadequate pockets...
if they have them at all. And things fall out (that's actually why PortaPocket's here in the first place! See “Our Story” for amusing anecdote ;).  Seriously. Just start looking around and noticing the “creative” ways people have shoved things where they don’t belong in an effort to get by. It's really quite something. Now you'll smile to yourself knowing you'll never have to resort to that again, and think of how happy you'll be when you have that business card handy when you unexpectedly meet a great new contact!  Help yourself with PortaPocket and make your life easier.

How active people use PortaPocket:



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